Throughout the year we have continued to ask ourselves, how can Ignite Brewing Company continue to positively impact our local communities? We strongly value giving back to the community we serve and are excited to spark giving back in others. In 2019, we have given back to many organizations that support our mission and have well exceeded our 11% give back goal! Below are just a few of our big MBMAD events where our Ignite community came together to support the greater good in 2019:
- Resilience IPA with Sierra Nevada Brewing Company to support the Camp Fire Relief Fund
- The Humane Society of Summit County – we hosted 2 adopt-a-thon events on our patio and furry friends found their forever homes!
- Destination Imagination
- Change for Change
- Arthritis Foundation support during Pints, Poses & Profanities
- Relay for Life – supporting the walk and brewed a special Ignite the Cure Strawberry Rhubarb Blonde Ale
- Towpath Century Ride – raised over $8,000 to support the Ohio Erie Towpath Coalition
- Toys for Tots
- And many other events!
Our family has adopted two new furry members during the year both from our adopt-a-thon events with the Humane Society. Nova and Astra Chisnell are now enjoying chasing each other, toys, and their big sister Addisun. They love naps on the couch in there new home and snuggling with each other.
To wrap up 2019, we will be hosting 2 final MBMAD events in our taproom throughout the holiday season. First, we will be participating in Toys for Tots this year again – if you bring in an unwrapped toy to donate between Black Friday (November 29) and December 10th and get 11% off your total purchase!
Also, our Ignite team will be participating in a stockings for charity event. We will all be decorating stockings and hanging them throughout the taproom, and selecting a charity of their choice to go with it. When you’re in the taproom, you can “vote” for your favorite stocking by making a donation in that stocking. Whoever is voted as the best stocking with the most donations will get ALL of the donations for their charity of choice!
As we prepare for 2020, we look forward to continuing to partner with our surrounding community in meaningful ways to continue our mission of Making Beer Make a Difference!